Best PC Games | GamingAPK99


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Pc Gaming gives one a better gaming experience rather than any gaming console. PC Gaming allows user to give max performance and power that a hardware can provide. In case using gaming consoles still there some limitations, but in PC you can upgrade it.

Now moving toward PC gaming, today I have brought for you

Top Best PC Games

I have shortlisted this list irrespective to Pc Specs that mean few game may or may not work at your PC specification.

Starting from the first to our list

1. Half Life

Half Life is an Valve gaming company product which is supported in only FPP (First Person Perspective). This game is there for PC's from a long time. I remember I used to play this game for hours with my friends in multiplayer mode. Yes this game supports multiplayer mode too. 

There are variety of weapons and hi-tech guns in this game. Also in some cases one needs to solve puzzle in order to move forward. Further versions of this are also developed and few are again in our list.

2. Half Life II

This is the next version Half Life, which has variety of New weapons and latest. This game is the enhanced version of Half Life that means you will need a bit higher specs of PC for this game to play. This version come out with an improved physics engine and added new vehicles functionality to game.

Most important this in this version is it has enhanced graphics compared to older version. Older version was bit laggy when played for a long time. But there's no such issue in this version of Half Life.

3. Valorant

Valorant is a online multiplayer game which only support FPP (First person perspective) experience. This is the most popular PC game in India. I have played this game couple of time and my experience was really amazing.

It is an online game with 8 players in a map in teams of 4. That is 2 team. One of them is attacker that means they will be having bomb to plant and another team is defender, they need to defend bomb spots or defuse bombse.

4. Among US

Among Us is a online multiplayer game, in which one of the player out of 5 or 10 is killer and not known to all. Killer aka called as Imposter kill one by one all the alive member in the plane. If he/she kills all of the players in the plane the imposter wins, Or if all the members caught the killer in meeting and eject him from plane they all wins.

Imposter is have few more advantages like power of shutting lights off, closing doors, venting through vents, etc. There are meeting period in between when any dead body is spotted by player to meet and discuss who might be the imposter. And one have to be ejected from the plane depending upon the max number of votes.

5. GTA 5

GTA 5 is the most popular game now a days. It is a TPP (Third Person perspective) game which give user a lot of freedom on the game player. Talking about freedom player can swim, race, run, fight, fly, jump, etc. every possible thing. There's a big long series of this game called GTA series. This series contains lots of version like San Andreas, Liberty, GTA 3, GTA vice city, etc.

That all for now. Hope you loved our new blog and its content.

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